Saturday, March 5, 2011


3- In some places in Africa imperialism didnt end until the 1960's
- The british abolished slavery long before America did
-There are different ways to control a colony
2- Ethiopia and liberia were the only independent countries
- The British took over India for tea, coffee, and cotton
1- does England still own South Africa today?

Suez Canal

today the suez canal is controlled by the country of Egypt. The suez canal connects the Mediterranean and the Red sea. Today nearly 19,000 ships pass through the canal every year. in todays world the suez canal is a major water way for barges carrying oil around the world.


The Maji Maji rebellion lasted from 1905 - 1907 in south and east German East Africa. It was caused by the increasing pressure of the German government also the Germans were taking most of their resources an estimated 75,000 died from famine and disease. It is said that the prophet Kinjikitile Ngwale had predicted the uprising when the Germans first occupied Tanganyika(Tanzania). Dr. Karl Peters was the govenor of Tanganyika the locals called him "Milkono wa Damu," meaning "Man with Blood on His Hands."  he had killed all of the local kings. The people had doused themselves with Maji Maji water it was said to repel German bullets. The uprising was unsuccessful but it did make the Kaiser put new reforms in place in the colonies.


a protectorate was when a larger country would control a smaller country in exchange for protection. local rulers were left to rule while under the advisement of the european advisors. this was the cheapest way to run a colony and also it required little or no military presence. an example of this would be the Niger river Delta.

Pros and Cons of Imperialism

Pros: Imperialism allowed for a country to have full power over an other, economic gain and territorial gain.
Cons: It also lead to racism, slavery, and loss of control over the country

Germ Theory of Disease

Germ theory was developed by Louis Pasteur, it states that all disease is caused by microorganisms. it was first used in the pasturization of milk and fermentation of alcohol. This advancement changed the world because it lead to the use of anaceptics and the sterilization of operating rooms.
The atmospheric germ theory, from a lecture given to the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh, 1868.


The phonograph was invented on January 24, 1878. The phonograph was designed to record music and messages through sound waves entering the mouthpiece. A needle was applied to a cylinder that played back the sounds. This invention eventually lead to the invention of gramaphones and record players. The common person was able to record messages and listen to music.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Gandhi Quote

A weak man is just by accident. A strong but non-violent man is unjust by accident- Mohandas Gandhi

After reading this quote I believe what Gandhi is saying is that those who are weak will do what others want them to do. While those who will do what is right but not necissarily what people want. the weak will take the path of least ressiastance making them seem just, but the strong non- violent people will take the harder path and may seem unjust even though they are doing the right thing.


The age of imperialism was mainly during the years 1850 - 1914. During this time European nations colonized almost all of Africa and India. Africa was divided into small states and the lands resources were taken. Africa was rich in peanuts, palm oil, cocoa, and rubber. While India had coffee, tea, and cotton. Europeans felt they were superior to the Africans and Indians because of racism. The europeans thought that because they are white that made them better than the native people. In many places the parent country had complete control over the colony and its trade businesses.